Christ Episcopal Church Day School

Welcome to School Year 2024-25!

Welcome to a new and exciting year at CECDS! The school staff has been planning many creative activities for the fall and is excited about meeting your child in a few weeks.

A Meet and Greet sign up for your child’s class has been emailed to all of our families. Please choose a time on August 28th that works for you and your child to visit the school. This will be an opportunity to meet your child’s teachers, review school policy and get your questions answered. The first day of school is Wednesday September 4th. The Pre-K children will arrive at 9:15 and follow regular car line procedures. The Nursery students will arrive at 9:30. It is mandatory for a parent or parent representative to attend the first day with their Nursery student. The first day for Nursery will end at 11:15 instead of the usual 12:15.

Health forms and Immunization Records were due May 1st.  ALL records need to be received BEFORE your child attends the first day of school.  Please send your child to school the first day with a full-sized backpack (preferably non-rolling) for carrying communication and artwork to and from school. We provide all other school supplies.

 CECDS offers additional afternoon programming on Wednesday afternoons for children who are half day students. Children must be 3 years old by September 1st in order to attend Super Wednesdays in the first semester. There are Five 6-week sessions of Super Wednesday beginning in September ending in May. Each session is an afternoon of creative stories, awesome art and fun activities that run from 12:30-3:00. Lunch is brought from home and served at 12:30.

This afternoon program gives children a chance to experience a full day of school once a week preparing them for Full day Pre-K.  Each 6-week session focuses on a different theme separate from their regular class curriculum, enriching their knowledge base. Topics include but are not limited to exploring the solar system, rocks and fossils, weather wonders, the ocean, the 4 seasons, and other countries. Children really enjoy eating lunch with their friends and experiencing each new topic.

The cost for this program in 2024-25 will be $300 for each 6-week session or $275/session for the year. Beginning in June 2024, yearly registrations for Super Wednesday can be paid in 2 payments –the first payment is due September 10, 2024 and the second payment by January 10,2025. These payment options will be made available in June 2024.  Payments are made online at Please contact the school for more information.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer vacation. The staff and I look forward to a new adventure with all our new and old friends.



